
NoLimits 2 Tire Launch Premium Package

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This package includes a configurable Scenery Object that can be used to imitate tire launch roller coasters.


About this NoLimits 2 package

This package includes a configurable Scenery Object that can be used to imitate tire launch roller coasters.
The Scenery Object shipped with this package called “Launch-Tire.nl2sco” can be extracted from this package and used in any NL2 park project.
A quick guide on how to extract the scenery object is included inside the package (viewable in-game).
How to use this object:
Simply place the Launch-Tire.nl2sco object next to a roller coaster track inside your park. Once the simulation starts, the object will automatically attach to the nearest roller coaster track.
The wheel behavior, position offset as well as additional settings can be configured using the “Scene Object Instance properties” inside the NoLimits2 Editor (double-click on wheel). There is no need to configure anything inside the script file itself.

Feature overview



Change color of motor & drive system
Change color of wheel rim
Set static wheel speed
Flip motor side
Invert wheel direction
Wheel height offset
Drive height offset
Drive side offset
Hide motor
Wheel motor sounds based on wheel speed
Hook wheel to transport device of block brake or station
Start wheel rotation using track triggers (wake up trigger)
Stop wheel rotation using track triggers (sleep trigger)
Change wheel direction using triggers
Set the time it takes to stop the wheel and reverse direction
Align and space wheels along track automatically
Version: Base, Premium

Size Chart

This package includes a configurable Scenery Object that can be used to imitate tire launch roller coasters.
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